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Design Tricks to Make Your Small Bathroom Larger

April 20, 2023

Is your bathroom a little small? An effective update can help by making simple changes you can tackle yourself or by getting help from a bathroom remodeling service. As a minimal space, your bathroom might feel cramped. This is especially true if elements in your bathroom are taking up more room than necessary. Fortunately, there are some simple design tricks you can do to maximize the space in your bathroom.

Streamline Your Space

You can make a few minor changes to make your space appear larger. For example, remove items from your bathroom that you don’t use. Decluttering your bathroom will make it feel more spacious. Consider finding a new place for all those items that take up most of your counter space to open it up. If you have several small items hanging on the walls, try replacing them with a single significant item to give it a streamlined appearance.

Add More Light

Adding extra light will make a noteworthy difference in a small bathroom. This is where you can get creative and light up the room. Brighten it with some lights around the vanity. Choose some track lighting that you can place strategically around your bathroom to give it a lift. If your bathroom is in a location where you can add a window, the natural light will do wonders.

Maintain Your Walls

When people consider doing minor remodeling, painting an accent wall or adding wallpaper is a good idea. However, keeping all the walls the same color is best in a small room. A light neutral color will open up the space and make it look larger. Avoid dark colors that will make your bathroom look like a closet rather than what you are trying to accomplish. Just as lighting is essential to make it appear larger, a light coat of paint will do the same.

Change Your Cabinets

If your bathroom is tight due to the cabinetry, you have options. Simply bringing your cabinets up off the floor will have a fantastic effect. Change your cabinets’ appearance by switching lower ones to a mounting at eye level. There are several floating cabinet options, so finding configurations that suit your bathroom should be easy. It will create the optical illusion of a more considerable floor space with room to move.

Consider Your Shower

You can do several things with your shower space to open the room. If you start your design from scratch, try glass shower doors. If not, eradicate your shower door altogether. Add light tiles on the floor and wall for a creative, expansive look. It is essential to note that if you choose the latter option, ensure you have a strategically located showerhead and a suitable drain installed.

There are many ways to create an enjoyable and useful space in your small bathroom with just some simple design tricks. You are only limited to your imagination.

Contact Us

Contact us today for the best bathroom remodeling service! We can offer excellent remodel ideas suitable for your needs. Our expert contractors at Prushko Plumbing have the knowledge and experience to give your bathroom the look you love.


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